You know how sometimes you see celebrities on TV and they tell you the story about some dummy who said to them "Anybody ever tell you you look just like..."?

Well, meet one of the dummies. Yep, little ol' me. Many years ago, just out of college, I was in Los Angeles and needed fast money. It was December, so I took a job wrapping packages at a Beverly Hills department store.

One of my favorite shows was "Hotel", with Shari Belafonte, Harry's daughter. A woman that was a dead ringer for her needed her packages wrapped. I helped her and said to this very nice lady, "Anyone ever tell you you look just like Shari Harper-Belafonte?" (She was married at the time.)

She answered, very nicely, "It's Belafonte-Harper." And I replied, not realizing it really WAS the good lady herself (are you ready for the big dummy thing I did) "Are you sure?" She replied that she was. I went on to say how pretty I thought the actress in "Hotel" was, and the nice lady just smiled.

I further embarrassed myself (without realizing it at the time) by telling her how handsome I thought Harry Belafonte is. She said that she had always thought highly of him, too and this very pleasant lady, who must have thought me a total fool, went on her way.

Belafonte Returns to Carnegie Hall

One of my favorite folk albums, not only are you treated to the wonderful voice of Harry Belafonte, but talent of Miriam Makeba, Odetta, and the Belafonte Folk Singers are also heard.

Look for more of Harry Belafonte's wonderful music, just write harry belafonte in the search box and see what else there is to enjoy.

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