
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials

Paint Shop Pro Tutorials

Paint Shop Pro Tutorials

AmeriYank's PSP Tutorials

helping you use graphics and graphics tools

Colored Weave Texture Tutorial
Part 1

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To create this image you will need to purchase "100 Textures" for $1.99. You will be using the texture called "aywhitetextweave.psd". To purchase go here , or click on the button:

I have tried to keep the download time of this tutorial to a minimum by compressing the screen shots. This makes them a bit blurry. It is either that or wait until we walk on Mars for the page to load.

I have also made this tutorial into several pages. This is also to limit the download time.

In this tutorial, we are going to make a texture from an existing texture. There are several images in "AmeriYank's 100 Textures" which you can change using this technique. Just look for the ones that have "aywhite" as the first part of their file name. There are about 14 of them. So, you can create an almost unlimited EXTRA number of textures from those 14 alone.

We will be turning this white weave texture:

image of white woven texture

Into this rose-colored weave texture:

image of finished rose-colored texture

You can use the finished product for background images on web pages, fills for new graphics, wallpaper for your computer, and anything your imagination can thinkup! Now let's get started.

If you own "AmeriYank's 100 Textures", open the one named  "aywhitetextweave.psd".  By the way,  you can use any color you wish for this tutorial. And, in that way, your "100 Textures" package becomes an almost unlimited number of ways to be creative!

If you are using the image sent to "AmeriYank's Friday Freebie", open the one called, "ayminiweave.psd". You can obtain the image by going to AmeriYank's Graphics Farm and joining the Freebie group (scroll to the bottom to join). After joining, visit the archives and search for the message heading "AmeriYank--July 12, 2002". Download the ZIP file for that week. It has the file in it you will need to do the tut. 

Instructions for this tutorial are for Paint Shop Pro 7. You can easily make it in 5 or 6, using the same techniques.

If you use another graphics program, you can make the image, too. But you will have to make adjustments for whatever program you use. You can easily do this in Adobe Photoshop or Ulead PhotoImpact. Just be sure to make the adjustments for your particular program, as all graphics programs work a little differently from one another.

Follow the red numbers to be sure you do the tutorial in the right order.


First, open Paint Shop Pro, or whatever program you are using.

Next, open the image file you are using.

Now, make a copy of the image so that you will still have the original when we are done.

To make a copy in Paint Shop Pro, hold down the "Ctrl" key. While keeping it down, press "D". And VOILA! a copy you shall have.

Close the ORIGINAL image, so only the copy is shown

making a copy of the orginal image
add new rastor layer


Now, you want to add a "New Rastor Layer". (If you are using Paint Shop Pro 5, you will just "add a layer", rastor and vector choices did not arrive until 6.)

Go to "Layers", "New Rastor Layer".

I added the red to help you read the image better, so do NOT look for big read letters, they will not be there.

On to Part 2

This tutorial and all images are © MaryMorris/AmeriYank 2002. All rights reserved.

My Terms of Use for tutorials are simple. You may link to the tutorial. You may email the tutorial wherever you wish, BUT keep all links intact. The tutorial has a ZIP file which includes all the instructions in HTML form, as they appear on the web. You may send the ZIP file to anyone you wish, but you must send it as it is. You may not alter it in any way. You may NOT post any of my tutorials on a web site and call it your own.  I use WinZip to create the zip files. You will need an unzipping program of some kind to open it.

With the exception of the image created in the actual tutorial, anything you create using what you learned is yours. You can sell it, distribute it, whatever you like. BUT, you may NOT use anything you create with any of my tutorials for "adult" material, anything harmful to children, anything illegal, nor anything hateful.

Note that the image created in the tutorial is copyrighted by me and owned by me. It may not be sold or redistributed in any way. You CAN use it on your web site, for t-shirts, and any other use EXCEPT selling or distributing it in digital form in any way. And, of course, you may NOT use it for "adult" material, anything harmful to children, anything illegal, nor anything hateful.