Orange Halloween Jack O'Lanterns

28 Orange Halloween Jack O'Lantern royalty-free graphic images in three formats:
PSP 7 Tube, PSD, and JPG. Plus, the Super Blade Pro Presets used to make them.

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See all 30 images below. They are shown at 50% size, so your purchased images are twice as large. They may take a while to load. They are approximately 200 x 200 pixels in size and are at 72 DPI.

You also receive the 30 Super Blade Pro Presets that created these images. You will need the Super Blade Pro Program for them to work. You can get it at Flaming Pear.

Use the Super Blade Pro Presets to create new images or clip art and/or make additions to the Jack O'Lantern graphic images. For example, make buttons for a web set and have the words match your image as in the example below:

In addition, your zip folder pack includes the orginal Halloween Jack O'Lantern used to create these images. So, you can make as many new Jack O'Lanterns as you like, decorated any way you wish. Terms of Use for the Orange Halloween Jack O'Lantern Package are below the images.

Once you pay your $1.99 online via PayPal or your credit card, you will be taken to a page where you can download the entire package. Since you receive each image in three formats (tub, psd, and jpg),plus 30 Super Blade Pro presets, the download is about 11 MEGS. So, you have lot of value for your $1.99!!

By purchasing this package you are
agreeing to the TERMS OF USE below.

By purchasing this package you are
agreeing to the TERMS OF USE below.

By purchasing this package you are
agreeing to the TERMS OF USE below.

By purchasing this package you are
agreeing to the TERMS OF USE below.

By purchasing this package you are
agreeing to the TERMS OF USE below.


All Orange Halloween Jack O'Lantern images are:
Copyright © 2006 Mary Morris/AmeriYank. All rights reserved.

BMP file images specified within the Super Blade Pro ZIP folder are:
Copyright © 1999-2006 Mary Morris/AmeriYank. All rights reserved.

These images and presets are NOT free. Once you pay the fee, you may use these Jack O'Lantern images, the BMP files created by me and/or the Super Blade Pro presets for anything you wish EXCEPT:

1) to sell or distribute any of the digital images, in their digital form, as they are, in any digital format
2) for anything harmful to children, not considered "child-friendly", and/or anything illegal
3) for anything pornographic
4) to distribute the Super Blade Pro Presets in any way

You MAY:
1) create a NEW and different digital image(s), using all or a portion of any of the original works, as a part of your NEW image(s).
2) sell or give away said new image(s) as you see fit, provided that said NEW image(s) is (are) NOT used for anything illegal, harmful to
children, not considered "child-friendly", and/or pornographic.
3) Use image for T-shirts or other print material you wish to sell, subject to #2 above
4) use the Super Blade Pro presets to create new items or enhance any of the items in this package, and distribute those items as you see fit, subject to #2 above

As indicated above, some BMP files were created in Paint Shop Pro by me. I own and claim copyright to them. The Halloween Jack O'Lantern images in the other ZIP folders in this package were enhanced with the Super Blade Pro Presets in that ZIP folder.

In order to protect my copyright (and not because I am trying to make anything difficult for anybody), any use of these images MUST include the following copyright information:

"Copyright © 2006 Mary Morris/AmeriYank. All rights reserved."

If you create a NEW image(s), using all or a portion of my original work, you MUST use the following copyright information when you distribute, show or sell the NEW image(s) in any form:

"Copyright © 20__ YOUR NAME and Mary Morris/AmeriYank.
All rights reserved."

Make sure you CHANGE the "20__" to reflect the year you created your image. For example, if you make your image in 2004, change 20__ to 2004. If you make your image in 2010, change 20__ to 2010, etc.

By purchasing this package you are
agreeing to the TERMS OF USE above.


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