AmeriYank's Christian Crosses

A fine collection of Christian Crosses on CD for web use, commercial use, or personal use.

AmeriYank's AmeriWear

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Mary and Jesus

Flag Designs of Tsunami countries, spiritual & Irish Blessings.

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AmeriYank's AmeriWear
Mary and Jesus
AmeriYank's World
AmeriYank's Holiday Place
Paint Shop Pro Tutorials
Basic HTML Tutorials
PSD Images Index

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Check your individual program for acceptance of the following file extensions: tub, psd, jpg, tif BEFORE purchasing CDs.




All images on this CD are © Copyright Mary Morris 2000. All Rights Reserved.

To protect my copyright, any use of the images in any form requires the following to appear somewhere on or attached to your work--

for AmeriYank's Christian Crosses CD:
"Original cross image © Mary Morris 2000. All Rights Reserved."

(I am not looking for free advertising. I only want to be sure that no one mistakenly believes the images on the CD are public domain. They are not.)

You may add your own copyright information as appropriate.Wording above must be legible, but need not detract from your work. In other words, small, but legible letters are fine. For example, on a web page, the information can be placed at the very bottom of the page in size 1 type.

If you create a new computer image using the images on this CD, copyright information can be placed in an attached text file (in the case of a screen saver or email stationary) or within the image itself (but unseen), using Paint Shop Pro or a similar program.

If you use an image to create a T-shirt or other item for sale, copyright information can appear on attached printed text, or in small, but legible, print on the item itself. If you have CafePress shop(s), simply place the copyright information in the appropriate section (premium shop) or at the top (basic shop)

You may use the images on this CD to:

1) Create new images by adding your own work to the existing images. You may sell or distribute the NEW images as you see fit.
2) Use the images to enhance your web pages.
3) Create or use to enhance printed works from the existing images: i.e., t-shirts, mugs, newsletters, magazines, etc.

You may use the images on this CD as you see fit for personal or commercial use with the following limitations:

1) You may not use these images in any connection to hate, pornography, "adult" material, or to promote any illegal activity.
2) You may not convert the existing images into other file extensions and sell or distribute them in any way. You may not sell or distribute the existing images in any way.
3) You may not lend, give, email, sell or in any way distribute the existing images. Only registered users of the CD may use the images. If you are a private individual, all members of your household may use the CD in as many computers as exist in your household only. If you are a business of any kind, you must purchase one copy of the CD for each employee that will be using the software. Non-profits, churches, and schools need only purchase one copy of the CD for each individual office or building.


Questions? Click here to email AmeriYank--the Happy American
This site, including all graphics and tubes are © 1999-2005, Mary Morris/AmeriYank. All rights reserved.

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